Symbol Name Price ChangeChange(%) Volume Turnover
08178 CHINA INFO TECH 1.600 0.160 11.11% 120.000K 181.600K
08107 VISION INT HLDG 7.500 0.150 2.04% 55.000K 380.800K
08239 CAPITAL FIN 0.600 0.110 22.45% 20.976K 12.431K
08428 CBK HOLDINGS 0.540 0.100 22.73% 3.650M 1.995M
08349 GUIXIN GROUP 0.760 0.080 11.77% 630.000K 464.900K
08540 VICTORY SEC 3.220 0.060 1.90% 2,000.000 6,440.000
08073 SINGYES NM 0.125 0.051 68.92% 152.000K 14.840K
08439 SOMERLEY CAP 0.450 0.035 8.43% 12.000K 5,210.000
08030 FLYING FIN 0.385 0.030 8.45% 35.000K 13.075K
08277 STEEDORIENTAL 0.340 0.030 9.68% 434.000K 141.890K
08062 EFT SOLUTIONS 0.320 0.025 8.48% 5,000.000 1,625.000
08196 FUTIAN HOLDINGS 0.325 0.025 8.33% 3.028M 887.220K
08495 1957 & CO. 0.220 0.022 11.11% 20.000K 4,400.000
08195 LEGENDARY EDU 1.850 0.020 1.09% 176.000K 324.500K
08405 HANG CHI HLDG 0.700 0.020 2.94% 68.000K 47.600K
08436 TAKBO GROUP 0.229 0.019 9.05% 35.000K 8,050.000
08093 MILLION STARS 0.100 0.017 20.48% 185.000K 17.375K
08320 AEC GROUP 0.105 0.017 19.32% 80.000K 8,440.000
08147 MILLENNIUM PG 0.360 0.015 4.35% 3.258M 1.115M
08519 XINXIANG ERA 0.490 0.015 3.16% 1.000M 492.300K

Last Updated:2024-05-17 14:29:00
Delayed at least 15 mins

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