Symbol Name Price ChangeChange(%) Volume Turnover
00836 CHINA RES POWER 21.800 0.400 1.87% 2.834M 61.143M
00291 CHINA RES BEER 37.300 0.100 0.27% 2.831M 105.860M
00941 CHINA MOBILE 73.600 0.100 0.14% 5.363M 395.764M
02669 CHINA OVS PPT 5.830 0.080 1.39% 6.712M 39.523M
03320 CHINARES PHARMA 6.270 0.080 1.29% 3.632M 22.909M
02380 CHINA POWER 3.570 0.070 2.00% 6.529M 23.186M
00270 GUANGDONG INV 4.890 0.070 1.45% 6.680M 32.737M
00883 CNOOC 19.380 0.060 0.31% 33.478M 645.988M
00135 KUNLUN ENERGY 8.330 0.040 0.48% 1.408M 11.699M
03311 CHINA STATE CON 10.160 0.040 0.40% 1.081M 10.950M
00966 CHINA TAIPING 8.850 0.030 0.34% 5.170M 46.428M
00762 CHINA UNICOM 6.260 0.020 0.32% 5.168M 32.455M

Last Updated:2024-05-17 10:09:10
Delayed at least 15 mins

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