Symbol Name Price ChangeChange(%) Volume Turnover
09988 BABA-SW 85.150 5.450 6.84% 62.014M 5.271B
09999 NTES-S 162.600 4.200 2.65% 4.003M 659.568M
09961 TRIP.COM-S 434.800 4.000 0.93% 862.352K 375.574M
81211 BYD COMPANY-R 207.600 3.200 1.57% 500.000 103.800K
09888 BIDU-SW 111.600 3.200 2.95% 10.259M 1.152B
01274 IMOTIONAUTOTECH 62.350 2.850 4.79% 92.400K 5.683M
01211 BYD COMPANY 224.400 2.600 1.17% 2.088M 466.610M
00700 TENCENT 396.000 2.400 0.61% 15.906M 6.331B
02419 DEKON AGR 49.650 1.350 2.80% 35.000K 1.739M
01880 CTG DUTY-FREE 71.700 0.900 1.27% 1.187M 85.168M
00941 CHINA MOBILE 74.300 0.800 1.09% 8.748M 646.142M
09880 UBTECH ROBOTICS 184.200 0.800 0.44% 189.550K 35.348M
02602 ONEWO 26.300 0.800 3.14% 1.044M 27.270M
00960 LONGFOR GROUP 14.540 0.740 5.36% 43.598M 633.499M
02318 PING AN 43.600 0.600 1.40% 47.922M 2.091B
02382 SUNNY OPTICAL 43.800 0.550 1.27% 8.940M 395.468M
82318 PING AN-R 40.350 0.550 1.38% 134.500K 5.441M
02601 CPIC 21.200 0.500 2.42% 15.782M 335.092M
09618 JD-SW 132.900 0.500 0.38% 6.306M 835.426M
02190 ZYLOXTB-B 11.200 0.480 4.48% 102.000K 1.139M

Last Updated:2024-05-17 12:31:00
Delayed at least 15 mins

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