Symbol Name Price ChangeChange(%) Volume Turnover
01468 KINGKEY FIN INT 0.164 0.001 0.61% 1.951B 319.169M
00884 CIFI HOLD GP 0.500 0.010 2.04% 788.559M 408.170M
01918 SUNAC 1.610 0.140 9.52% 637.366M 1.042B
03377 SINO-OCEAN GP 0.600 0.030 5.26% 587.701M 369.240M
00020 SENSETIME-W 1.370 -0.010 -0.73% 486.346M 680.298M
03033 CSOP HS TECH 4.020 0.032 0.80% 452.898M 1.826B
03988 BANK OF CHINA 3.870 0.000 0.00% 432.163M 1.674B
01176 ZHUGUANG HOLD 0.208 -0.001 -0.48% 375.198M 82.618M
00939 CCB 5.830 -0.070 -1.19% 334.683M 1.953B
06666 EVERG SERVICES 0.880 0.210 31.34% 316.037M 267.642M
00650 PRODUCTIVE TECH 0.405 0.035 9.46% 293.376M 120.360M
01668 CHINASOUTHCITY 0.325 -0.010 -2.99% 254.092M 86.766M
00813 SHIMAO GROUP 1.270 0.020 1.60% 241.523M 317.249M
01398 ICBC 4.680 -0.030 -0.64% 221.194M 1.036B
02800 TRACKER FUND 19.600 0.070 0.36% 195.775M 3.844B
00708 EVERG VEHICLE 0.380 0.132 53.23% 190.077M 68.121M
07226 XL2CSOPHSTECH 4.156 0.072 1.76% 177.744M 747.953M
02202 CHINA VANKE 5.890 0.160 2.79% 151.786M 900.998M
00095 LVGEM CHINA 0.920 0.100 12.20% 147.392M 147.175M
09886 DINGDANG HEALTH 1.960 0.150 8.29% 142.688M 289.977M

Last Updated:2024-05-17 12:00:00
Delayed at least 15 mins

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