Symbol Name Price ChangeChange(%) Volume Turnover
00700 TENCENT 359.800 12.600 3.63% 10.601M 3.770B
01211 BYD COMPANY 225.600 10.000 4.64% 5.018M 1.118B
00388 HKEX 261.400 9.800 3.90% 4.090M 1.053B
80700 TENCENT-R 332.800 9.400 2.91% 50.400K 16.631M
03690 MEITUAN-W 118.700 9.200 8.40% 27.161M 3.147B
81211 BYD COMPANY-R 208.800 9.000 4.51% 29.500K 6.128M
83690 MEITUAN-WR 109.800 8.200 8.07% 66.900K 7.253M
09866 NIO-SW 43.400 7.650 21.40% 3.950M 167.807M
80388 HKEX-R 241.400 7.400 3.16% 14.000K 3.359M
09618 JD-SW 121.600 6.800 5.92% 7.735M 921.483M
89618 JD-SWR 112.700 6.200 5.82% 13.150K 1.475M
09880 UBTECH ROBOTICS 190.300 5.800 3.14% 46.750K 8.833M
09961 TRIP.COM-S 391.000 5.600 1.45% 612.078K 237.887M
06990 SKB BIO-B 172.900 4.600 2.73% 20.200K 3.414M
09626 BILIBILI-W 107.000 4.200 4.09% 1.676M 176.434M
09863 LEAPMOTOR 31.200 4.050 14.92% 888.735K 26.306M
06682 FOURTH PARADIGM 54.200 3.500 6.90% 77.000K 4.089M
06078 HYGEIA HEALTH 35.650 3.200 9.86% 718.860K 24.881M
00522 ASMPT 101.500 3.100 3.15% 1.607M 159.775M
02359 WUXI APPTEC 38.350 2.900 8.18% 2.385M 88.737M

Last Updated:2024-05-02 12:00:00
Delayed at least 15 mins

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